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Name ペンション 風見鶏
Phonetic ぺんしょん かざみどり
Addres Kitaazumi-gun, Nagano Prefecture Hakuba Village Kakutaro acorn 9464-12
Tel 0261-72-4725
Nearest station JR conventional lines Shinano-Moriue Station
Message Pension of quiet in a calm school-building, full of incense and the warmth of wood. Fresh green of the wind, birds singing, squirrels are congregating. And fellow congenial on the terrace, please spend Waiwaigayagaya, such a moment. The rooms are all rooms Western-style. The hotel is I am sorry to everyone of smokers has become a non smoking, please use the smoking corner. Nearby, visit a lot of people throughout the year there are ski slopes and-Iwatake ski resort Happo. You wait a little leg, there is such as Kurobe Dam and-Togakushi Nagano Zenkoji Temple, is the perfect base for exploring.
QR Pension weathercock

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