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Name 中川旅館
Phonetic なかがわりょかん
Addres Nankai Electric Railway kudoyama station
Tel 0736-54-2112
Message World Heritage (jison-in, Niukanshōfu Shrine, Kōyasan Chōishi-Michi) climbed port to the Koyasan There are three places in town. It finished the role as the meeting place of the town in the building of the Taisho era, accommodation main than 2006. Convenient to Maedomari to Koyasan. 2016 drama Sanada round hero Yukimura Sanada was secluded life in here to Osaka summer camp for 16 years. A 5-minute walk there is a way station to the World Heritage Information Center is the hotel, there is the Sanada Museum of the 2016 March open a 3-minute walk.
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