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Name 一の瀬
Phonetic いちのせ
Addres JR conventional lines susono station
Tel 055-992-1589
Message [Also includes seafood of Numazu direct delivery, healing inn enjoy four of spa facilities] ~ ~ --------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ★ [Fuji Safari Park] [Gotemba Premium Outlets ] [Gurinpa] [Fuji Children's World] until you Kurumayaku 30 minutes! ★ [Mishima Taisha] [at the Gotemba Kogen Noriyuki 栖] until you Kurumayaku 15 minutes! Good access ♪ around tourism -------------------------------------------- ----------------------- "Hokkaido bifurcated radium sinter travertine" 100 percent use the spa facilities are popular. Dance hall, karaoke, croquet field, etc., are equipped to enhance the facility. In the garden of the pond in the facility, swimming carp and swans, in the early summer and dancing fireflies. Ryokan to provide healing to cherish the interaction with people.
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