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Name 霧島ロイヤルホテル
Phonetic きりしまろいやるほてる
Addres Kagoshima Prefecture Kirishima Kirishima Taguchi 2703-5
Tel 0995-57-2111
Message Honor the mysterious charm as "tenson k?rin of mountain" Takachihonomine "Spring is pretty Miyama Kirishima of flowers, summer glow over the fresh green of the green, autumn foliage and cosmos stand burned the mountains as your sinker, winter Yukemuri .... rich transitory of the four seasons that trail as earth warmth, numerous here irreplaceable treasure of Kirishima. beautiful nature and tasty gourmet, while entrusts the mind in time that flows in a relaxed manner, the Kirishima Royal Hotel please enjoy the much-valued moments to deliver.
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